Table Of Contents

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Watch ▶Peripheral artery disease: Pathology review

Watch ▶Peripheral arterial disease and ulcers: Clinical sciences


Risk Factors

Localization of arterial occlusion in PAD

Localization of arterial occlusion in PAD

Clinical Features


Dry gangrene in peripheral arterial disease

Dry gangrene in peripheral arterial disease





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Patients with PAD and intermittent claudication have an estimated 20% 5-year risk of non-fatal MI and stoke and a 15-30% risk of death due to cardiovascular causes.


<aside> 💡 Only ASA, Statins and smoking cessation decrease mortality.


Mimics of Arterial Occlusion

This is just to keep them in mind, they will be disscussed in thier respective chapters

Disorder Patient Characteristic Features
Deep vein thrombosis 💠 > 60 years old
💠 History of immobilization, obesity, hereditary thrombophilia or malignancy 💠 Swelling
💠 Warmth
💠 Erythema
💠 Progressive tenderness
Spinal stenosis 💠 Middle-aged to older patients 💠 Neurogenic claudication
💠 Accompanied by weakness or numbness
💠 Bilateral or unilateral leg and back pain
💠 Improved with lumbar flexion
Diabetic neuropathy 💠 Middle-aged to older patients
💠 High BMI 💠 Progressive symmetrical loss of or abnormal sensation in the distal lower extremities (glove and stocking sensation)
💠 Normal ABI
💠 Neuropathic diabetic foot: warm, dry skin, palpable foot pulses