Table Of Contents

Misc Defects

Defect Description Clinical Presentation Diagnostic Findings Management
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) 🔹 Hypoplasia of LV and abnormal development of mitral/aortic valves.
🔹 RV delivers both pulmonary and systemic circulation. 🔹 Tachypnea, cyanosis, no murmur
🔹 Single S2
🔹 Respiratory distress
🔹 Decreased peripheral pulses

🧠 Presentation is typically delayed until a few days after birth when the ductus arteriosus closes. | 🔹 TTE | 🔹 Alprostadil and transcatheter septoplasty to maintain shunting 🔹 Surgical repair | | Ebstein's Anomaly | 🔹 Malformed and displaced tricuspid valve, attached to the RV endocardium 🔹 Associated with Lithium use | 🔹 Severe disease presents with cyanosis and heart failure in infants | 🔹 TTE (Tricuspid regurgitation and RV dilatation) | 🔹 Surgical repair | | Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis | 🔹 Thickening of the ascending aorta, causing aortic stenosis 🔹 Associated with Williams Syndrome | 🔹 Variable features depending on obstruction degree 🔹 Systolic ejection murmur (FIRST right space) 🔹 BP differential between arms | 🔹 TTE | 🔹 Surgical repair for high-grade stenosis |


Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)



Risk Factors

Clinical Features
