Table Of Contents

Heart Auscultation

Watch 👉 Heart Sounds

Watch 👉 Heart Murmurs


Anatomical locations and auscultatory sites for heart valves  (I–IV: anatomical locations of heart valves)

Anatomical locations and auscultatory sites for heart valves (I–IV: anatomical locations of heart valves)

Heart Sounds Overview

Extra Heart Sounds - Gallop

Heart Sound Features & Associated Pathology
S3 🔹 Heard just after S2
🔹 Caused by reverberant sound as blood fills an enlarged LV cavity during passive diastolic filling
🔹 Heart failure with reduced EF
🔹 High-output states (e.g., thyrotoxicosis)
🔹 Mitral or aortic regurgitation
S4 🔹 Heard just before S1
🔹 Caused by blood striking a stiff LV wall during atrial contraction
🔹 Concentric LV hypertrophy
🔹 Restrictive cardiomyopathy
🔹 Acute myocardial infarction

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What abnormal heart sound is often heard during the acute phase of myocardial infarction?

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Rhythm Mnemonic

S3 Gallop

S4 Gallop

Splitting of S2


Physiologic Splitting


Wide Splitting


Fixed Splitting


Paradoxical Splitting