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My USMLE Step 2 Experience
Hello, my name is Ahmed El-Hadidy, an intern from Mansoura University. I recently took the USMLE Step 2 exam, and many people have asked about my experience, so I wanted to share it here as this is the largest community for Step 2.
Preparation Timeline and Challenges
- Initial Thoughts
- Praise be to God, success comes as long as you keep working hard.
- My Step 1 experience was the most crucial factor; it laid the foundation. I put in a lot of effort and achieved a good score.
- Preparation Period:
- I prepared for Step 2 during my fifth year, approximately one and a half years on and off due to exams, graduation project, and other commitments.
- The biggest challenge was starting after a year break post-Step 1 due to severe burnout.
- Resources:
- Another significant challenge was the lack of a comprehensive curriculum for Step 2 like Step 1. There's no equivalent to First Aid, Pathoma, or detailed lectures.
- I tackled this gap by using the largest video source I could find, which was Osmosis. I watched almost all the pathology reviews as a refresher on Step 1 and moved to clinical videos for each system (though they have since been removed).
- This took considerable time but gave me a solid overview. Since I prefer studying before practicing questions, I searched for a comprehensive book but couldn't find one. I decided to create my own notes. I took headings from an existing book to ensure I covered everything and compiled information from various sources, with Amboss being the primary one.
- This process took months, but eventually, I built a personal library for my studies.
- Practice:
- After studying each chapter, I initially solved questions from Amboss, which was a mistake. I recommend starting with UWorld for its foundational explanations. Amboss, as a question bank, fills in gaps but doesn't establish a foundation.
- After completing Amboss, I moved to UWorld for the first pass, solving it by systems but didn't finish everything.
- For the second pass, I solved random questions and created Anki cards for everything in the question banks, ending up with around 8,200 manually made cards.
Self-Assessments and Scores
- NBME 9: 267
- NBME 10: 283
- NBME 11: 271
- NBME 12: 267
- NBME 13: 277
- NBME 14: 278
Other Assessments:
- Amboss Self-Assessment in late April: 274
- UWorld Second Pass: 94%
- UWSA 2: 90%
- UWSA 3: 91%
- Free 120 Online: 91%
- CMSs: 85-95%
I completed NBMEs from 9 to 14, with scores ranging from 265 to 285. I also took all CMSs starting from version 5 and above in every subject, and versions 1 and 2 for emergency medicine. From my perspective, the family medicine CMS was the most important.
Finally, although the exam was challenging, praise be to God, I succeeded. I hope this answers most of your questions in advance.