Table Of Contents

Valve Replacement Surgical Indications

Symptomatic because of severe valve damage = Replace

Condition Indications for Surgery
Aortic Stenosis 🔷 Symptoms of stenosis (SAD)
🔸 Syncope, angina, dyspnea from heart failure
🔷 Asymptomatic with LVEF <50%
Aortic Insufficiency 🔷 Symptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation
🔷 Asymptomatic patients with cardiomegaly or left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 55%
🔷 Patients with aortic regurgitation undergoing CABG, surgery of the ascending aorta, or another valve surgery
Mitral Stenosis 🔷 Symptomatic patients
🔷 Patients with a mitral valve area <1.5 cm² (may be a candidate for percutaneous balloon commissurotomy)
Mitral Regurgitation (MR) 🔷 Symptomatic patients (e.g., dyspnea on exertion)
🔷 EF < 60%
🔷 Acute onset of MR

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All patients with acute primary MR should undergo urgent surgical repair or valve replacement.


High-Yield **Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (**CABG)

Post-CABG Atrial fibrillation

Post-CABG Acute mediastinitis

Post-CABG Pleural effusions

Post-Cardiac Injury Syndrome (PCIS)
