Lower limb muscles (for nerds 🤓)

Lower extremity nerves

Innervation of the lower extremity (ventral view)

Innervation of the lower extremity (ventral view)

Innervation of the lower extremity (dorsal view)

Innervation of the lower extremity (dorsal view)



Nerve Innervation Cause of injury Presentation/comments
**Ilioinguinal nerve
(L1)** - Sensory: Proximal medial aspect of the thigh
Mons pubis (women) or root of penis (men)

Meralgia paresthetica

→ Sciatic nerve passes between piriformis & superior gemellus. | - Splits into common peroneal and tibial nerves | | Common (fibular) peroneal (L4-S2) | Superficial peroneal nerve

**Deep peroneal nerve

-** Loss of sensation on dorsum and medial foot

Distal lesion

-** Inability to curl toes and loss of sensation on sole and lateral foot. In proximal lesions

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Clues to diagnose: Patient undergone laparoscopic surgery and suffered from postoperative ↓ in the upper medial thigh sensation

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Piriformis syndrome


The femoral nerve descends through the psoas major muscle, emerges laterally between the psoas and iliacus muscle, and then runs beneath the inguinal ligament.

The femoral nerve descends through the psoas major muscle, emerges laterally between the psoas and iliacus muscle, and then runs beneath the inguinal ligament.


Hip Region

Hip muscles

Movement Muscles
Abductors Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus
Adductors Adductor magnus, Adductor longus, Adductor brevis
Extensors Gluteus maximus, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Long head of biceps femoris
Flexors Iliopsoas (iliacus and psoas), Rectus femoris, Tensor fascia lata, Pectineus, Sartorius
Internal Rotation Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus, Tensor fascia latae
External Rotation Iliopsoas, Gluteus maximus, Piriformis, Obturator internus, Obturator externus

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The rectus femoris, iliopsoas, and sartorius are the major hip flexors.

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Muscles used when sitting up from the supine position

Important to recognize the sites of gluteal  muscles on CT
A) rectus muscle→ play an important role in Valsalva maneuver
B) Illiacus ms
C) Gluteus minimus ms
D) Gluteus Medius ms
E) Gluteus maximus ms

Important to recognize the sites of gluteal muscles on CT A) rectus muscle→ play an important role in Valsalva maneuver B) Illiacus ms C) Gluteus minimus ms D) Gluteus Medius ms E) Gluteus maximus ms

              Psoas muscle is present beside the vertebral body

          **Psoas muscle is present beside the vertebral body**

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Anatomical relations

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Hamstring muscles

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Which hip movement will be most affected following this fracture ?


Hip dislocation

Posterior hip dislocation Anterior hip dislocation
Epidemiology 🔹 90% of cases 🔹 10% of cases
Etiology 🔹 Dashboard injury in which a posteriorly directed force (e.g., dashboard during a motor vehicle accident) is directed towards an internally rotated, flexed, and adducted hip 🔹 Direct blow to the posterior hip or to an abducted leg
Clinical features 🔹 Hip pain with limited range of motion
🔹 Shortened, internally rotated (adducted) hip 🔹 Hip pain with limited range of motion
🔹 Lengthened, externally rotated (abducted) leg
Complications 🔹 Sciatic nerve injury 🔹 Femoral nerve injury




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Femoral neck fracture


Avascular Necrosis of Bone
